May 28 edition: Sex work = therapy

Plus: Festival announcements, a hard-won victory, and Britney’s booty

Hi there. There are so many festival announcements happening right now. You’d better have a calendar to keep track of them all (or use ours), before you find yourself getting double-booked for the second weekend of July.

Sometimes I open my inbox and discover a press release for a festival I’d never even heard of before, only to learn it’s in its 46th year of entertaining the local community. And honestly, that’s on me. Long live festivals of all shapes, sizes, and specificities!

— V.
Associate Editor


Sex//Work: Why sex work is a therapeutic service

A beaded purse full of money lies on pink silky sheets

Eden Apple is a stripper. But that doesn’t mean her work ends at taking off her clothes. In our latest Sex//Work column, Apple gets into a significant part of her job: providing emotional support to people who, through a confluence of societal norms and gender expectations, are more likely to go to a strip club than a therapist. “We, as sex workers,” she writes, “have the power of providing intimacy to people who may not be able to access it otherwise.”


Commentary: A reinstated bylaw is a major victory for Vancouver’s SRO tenants

A photo of the Balmoral Hotel covered in scaffolding in the Downtown Eastside

“Municipalities Enabling and Validating (No. 5) Amendment Act, 2024” might not sound very catchy. But the bill, nicknamed the Thomas de Grey Memorial Act, is important. It ensures that single-room occupancy units can’t have their rent jacked up between tenancies—and it’s named after a long-time local activist who spearheaded the initiative. Organizer Ezra Bloom tells the story of de Grey, and how his hard work laid the foundation for the recent community win.

*sponsored listing


Cheri Maracle brings poet E. Pauline Johnson back to life in Paddle Song

Maracle performs Paddle Song, wearing historic Mohawk dress, on stage with a photo of E. Pauline Johnson behind her and a sofa beside her

The Firehall Arts Centre is ending its season with a bang: Cheri Maracle’s one-woman musical telling the life story of Mohawk poet E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake). Maracle has performed the play around the world for the past decade, evolving her work over time. “The poetry itself gets richer and deeper each time,” she says in an interview. “I’ve gained new insight into the poetry each time.”


Pop Eye: Britney Spears and her buck-naked Instagram ass give a lesson in less being more

Britney Spears lies naked in shallow water on the beach

Personally, I’m here for the Britney Spears unhinged social media phase. Go on, girl, give us whatever you feel like. Be hot and naked on a beach. Get a colonoscopy fresh from the ocean. You deserve it!

*sponsored listing


Hidden patios in Vancouver

A patio lit up by string lights

Patio season again? No problem. Here are five tucked-away patios for you to enjoy a beverage on this summer—from colourful picnic tables in Mount Pleasant to Mediterranean charm in the heart of downtown. 


Vancouver International Children’s Festival promises spectacular performances for little ones. (To June 2 @ Granville Island venues) 

Critically-acclaimed classical musicians Wayne Weng Trio perform. (May 28 @ Silk Purse Arts Centre, West Vancouver)

Science World gets into the local video games scene with a night of presentations and networking. (May 28 @ Science World)

Pianist Vicky Chow plays Philip Glass’s hypnotic compositions. (May 28 @ Christ Church Cathedral)

BC and Yukon Book Prize finalists Henry Tsang, Samantha Nock, and Brandon Reid converse. (May 29 @ Vancouver Public Library Central Branch)

Michel(le) follows two siblings as one transitions. En francais with English surtitles. (May 29 to June 8 @ Studio 16)

New show Turn It Up fuses podcast and radio formatting with improvised hilarity. (May 30 @ The Improv Centre)

Want to know what else is happening in Vancouver? Check out our events listings.

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